Hi, I am pusparaj giri also known by the nickname (RAZ). I am the founder and director of MY BEAM PTY LTD and all the business associated with our company. I am working as a directory for almost 4 years with MY BEAM. Currently staying in Melbourne, Victoria , Australia, i am very friendly and spiritual. Our company aim is to make our service as affordable as possible so that every businesses from small to large can afford our services.
I worked as recruiter and general manager with many recruitment agencies around the world for last 6 years. With bachelor in Business management degree, i am currently working full time with MY BEAM PTY LTD. My aim is to connect staffs and clients and balance the work force market. There are many exciting projects coming up in future associated with labour hire industry from our company which aims to meet general public needs regarding staffing solution.
Any complaints regarding our business are handled directly by me. Most of the new clients will be in phone calls and meeting with me during new LABOUR HIRE AGREEMENT signing. I will be responsible for maintaining good working environment at our workplaces and suggest our team. I mainly focus on developing our business all around the world and bring new version of services which are low cost and very effective. I and my team are developing new project named "SQUAD GO" which will make our service even cheaper and qualified and easily accessible around the world. So be the part of growing company and be our families.